Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Anti-Gun control seems to be a big well spring of bad sloganeering lately.

BTW, if anyone knows any bad Pro-Gun Control propaganda, I would be more than willing to critique it.

It is true that criminals don't obey gun laws. They are part of a subset of other laws that criminals don't obey, which is ALL OF THEM. That is kind of why they are criminals. So the easily facile response to this is "Criminals don't obey murder laws!"

Besides there is a difference. A gun is an instrumentality. It can be used for criminal purposes, or for non-criminal purposes. So in a society where guns are outlawed, criminals, who are willing to break the law, would have the ability to pursue further criminal ends, while law-abiding citizens wouldn't have the means to pursue self-defense.

Besides, of course, there is a thing about that "OBEY THE LAW" thing. Laws aren't always enforced because people choose to obey them. They are enforced because they have enforcement. In a society where guns were truly not available, criminals wouldn't have access to guns, no matter how much they clicked their heels together.

So one of the hidden premises in this phrase is that guns will always, be, de facto, available, and that their legal status will not stop criminals from accessing them.

Which is actually a pretty good argument. But that nuance is left out of the bumper sticker version because, well, honestly, [redacted].

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