Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hopefully this blog won't turn into one of those things where I have a good idea and then forget about it. Or even a mediocre idea and forget about it.

There is a lot of dumb stuff on the internet still, but sometimes I don't make it a priority to point it out.

But I am back for a special Fourth of July edition!

So here we have some narrative: an important science story overlooked by a public who would rather read about Justin Bieber.
My own exception to this is that on July 4th, we shouldn't be reading about Canadians.

I couldn't find any mention of Just Bieber's temper tantrum on my yahoo news feed. There is mention of the Higgs Boson, although they "humanize" it up by talking about how Dr. Hawking is losing a bet. And the picture news is about BBQ sauce, which is fitting for the holiday.

Furthermore, while it is true that Yahoo's front page news tends to be slanted towards human interest stories, its also true that Yahoo's front page news is not indicative of the world or country as a whole. How would Captain Picard feel if we judged his entire life by the times he became a spokesman for the Borg?

Game, set, match.

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